
Are you a musician and a yoga practitioner? Do you experience excess tension or chronic pain despite your ongoing efforts to be free from excess tension or pain? Would you like to understand why that is? Then keep reading…..

Most musicians consider their practice an integral part of their best performance, so they practice endlessly to be a perfect channel for the music they perform to their captive audience. This is especially true of classical musicians as they do not rely on improvisation at all.

As a result, it is common for musicians to experience chronic pain in their muscles or joints over time due to repetitive stress through repetitive movement. Some are even embarrassed to complain about it and bear through the pain till they no longer can which does not help their situation.

Classical Musicians

Luckily for musicians, there are modalities that can help them address their pain to feel better. Often, modalities focus on pain relief alone whether it is the manipulation of skilled therapists, a daily stretching or strengthening practice at the gym or through yoga. Another aspect of yoga that helps them is developing presence to their body and sometimes, with the right class, they get the meditative dimension of yoga.

This being said, all these modalities do not address what I call “Integrated Functioning” which is the ability to move from a whole-body perspective, in a way that benefits all body parts at the same time. As a result, it is often the case that people get addicted to their modality of choice, especially yoga!

3 Non-Integrated yoga practitioners

Yoga addiction is common and, it makes you feel good about yourself to practice daily and diligently. And that way to practice is a good thing until it becomes an addiction. If your excess tension or chronic pain return when you stop practicing, it means you have not tackled its real root yet, hence the addiction to your practice which is also affected by your non-integrated functioning.

A student receiving Alexander Technique instructions via words and hands-on

The Alexander Technique is a very impactful modality that can also relieve your symptoms. Only, embedded in it, is the potential to prevent your chronic tension or pain to come back by tackling the root of the problem bringing about your pain.

If you are healthy and experience chronic tension or pain, it is likely you suffer on account of how you use your body in a non-integrated way both on and off the mat. The Alexander Technique helps you to reclaim integrated functioning so all your body parts can function harmoniously together both in your daily movements and while you practice and perform.

As you discover and unlearn the unconscious habits that are feeding your pain, you learn about 5 essential key-relationships in your body that can hinder or promote your most natural good posture depending on how they are functioning in an integrated way or not. When functioning efficiently, like a well-trained orchestra, these 5 relationships work together harmoniously. Consequently, they allow you to reduce, eliminate, or even prevent excess tension or chronic pain in a sustainable way. All the while, you can perform at your best and feel good in your daily body as well.

If this work speaks to you and you are ready to invest yourself with its process to be finally free of excess tension or chronic tension fueled by the repetitive movements to play your instrument…..

Then, sign up for this one-time webinar I will be giving on April 26, 2022 by clicking on the link below. Don’t miss the Early Bird Special!

(Number of spaces is limited, so registration happens on a first serve basis)

Cécile Raynor has been teaching for 30 years, published the Wise Way to Yoga as well as numerous articles, and she was featured several times both on TV and on an “Expanded Awareness” radio show. Her blog has been read by thousands of people in over 100 different countries. Her work is based on the Alexander Technique, the best-kept secret of Olympic athletes and famous performers. They swear by it because it allows them to perform at their best with optimal safety. Although it is now commonly used by everyone. She also created the Body Intelligence Activation Process™, a mind, body, heart and spirit work that affects her students in all aspects of their life as they experience increased wellbeing.

Cécile has been helping people with poor posture, chronic muscular tension and pain, joints issues and headaches reclaim their ease of movement, their natural good posture, and the joy and peace of mind brought by well-being. She has also been a mentor for many students interested in embodied and integrated personal growth.

Cécile can be reached by responding to this blog or by contacting her through her website

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