Author Archives: Cecile Raynor



Postural challenges are an increasing problem nowadays because we have become a society of people stationed in our heads more often than not – even as we exercise. Our trainers and teachers know more about their field of expertise but they do not know our bodies and history in any specific day.

We often trust our trainer, yoga teacher and our mind more than our whole-body intelligence as if they knew better what is appropriate for us in each moment. Many will encourage us to listen to our body but do we know what that means? Unfortunately, assuming we are safe if we do not feel pain in the moment is not necessarily true. Using our body in an integrated way will always feel good but feeling good is no guarantee that we are not enhancing habitual patterns promoting excess tension or even injuries around the corner.

So you micro-manage your body parts in an effort to reach what you THINK is “correct”, be it a squat or a yoga pose. You micro-manage your shoulders and back to reach what you THINK is your best posture. But is it? Who knows whether it is or not?

Your trainer or teacher knows the way the pose or exercise is meant to look like, but does she know how your body is meant to express that pose in harmony with your whole-body intelligence? Can she guess how your body is feeling as you are doing your pose?

Only your whole body intelligence can. And it knows how to prevent unhappy muscles or joints.

D604B901-875D-4C54-8D0D-282196507FA0_1_105_cTHE TRUTH IS that there is a mechanism within you that is designed to handle your best balance, coordination, and posture. When you micro-manage your body, you prevent this mechanism to do its job properly. That is why pulling your shoulders back does not last and you find yourself slouching within minutes if not seconds.

Learning about that mechanism and how to activate it is the secret to clearing posture issues and to gain increased freedom from the consequences of poor posture: namely, neck, shoulders, back tension or pain, and headaches.

Interested in learning more?

Then, please join me and others for my FREE GLOBAL ONLINE EVENT on September 22, 2022 to get an understanding and experience of this mechanism which promotes your body to work as a whole in an integrated way.

For more info or to register, click on the following link:


See you there and then!
Cécile 🙂


Cécile Raynor has been teaching for 30 years, published the Wise Way to Yoga as well as numerous articles, and she was featured several times both on TV and on an “Expanded Awareness” radio show. Her blog has been read by thousands of people in over 100 different countries. Her work is based on the Alexander Technique, the best-kept secret of Olympic athletes and famous performers. They swear by it because it allows them to perform at their best with optimal safety. Although it is now commonly used by everyone. She also created the Body Intelligence Activation Process™, a mind, body, heart and spirit work that affects her students in all aspects of their life as they experience increased wellbeing.

Cécile has been helping people with poor posture, chronic muscular tension and pain, joints issues and headaches reclaim their ease of movement, their natural good posture, and the joy and peace of mind brought by well-being. She has also been a mentor for many students interested in embodied and integrated personal growth.

Cécile can be reached by responding to this blog or by contacting her through her website



Stretching is the corner stone of modern fitness whether you go to yoga or at the gym. Yet is stretching the best way to relieve tension? Is stretching your neck the best way to relieve your neck tension? Definitely, possibly, maybe!

Wouldn’t you like to know? Well here it is!:)

Stretching definitely helps in the moment. Besides it feels great which motivates many of us to do it. However, is it enough? Does it give you sustainable results? In other words, can you stop stretching at some point without the tension coming back?

If your tension comes back when you stop stretching, it is a good indication that you have unconscious habits feeding your tension and discovering these habits is the way to gain sustainable results! And that is true wherever you tend to experience chronic tension or pain.

Neck tension is not due to texting or computer use, it is not due to sitting long hours on a chair either. Rather it is due to how you use yourself while texting, while working at your computer or sitting on a chair.

These activities are affected by how you use yourself the rest of the time even doing simple movements such as looking right and left to cross a street, to check produces in a store or to check on your children running around.

If you are like most people, you are overusing your neck muscles to move your head instead of moving your head from its natural joint.

Being aware of whether you are moving from a natural hinge or not is crucial to prevent excess tension and pain, whether you are on or off the mat.

Discovering unconscious habits that are feeding your level of tension is key to be tension-free in your neck or other places whether in daily life or while exercising.

Would you like to learn how to discover and unlearn these unconscious habits? Then, join me for my next Global Online Event on September 22, 2022. Click the following link to register and receive the info to access “Freedom from Chronic Tension or Pain using 3 Unique Pathways“.


Cécile Raynor has been teaching for 30 years, published the Wise Way to Yoga as well as numerous articles, and she was featured several times both on TV and on an “Expanded Awareness” radio show. Her blog has been read by thousands of people in over 100 different countries. Her work is based on the Alexander Technique, the best-kept secret of Olympic athletes and famous performers. They swear by it because it allows them to perform at their best with optimal safety. Although it is now commonly used by everyone. She also created the Body Intelligence Activation Process™, a mind, body, heart and spirit work that affects her students in all aspects of their life as they experience increased wellbeing.

Cécile has been helping people with poor posture, chronic muscular tension and pain, joints issues and headaches reclaim their ease of movement, their natural good posture, and the joy and peace of mind brought by well-being. She has also been a mentor for many students interested in embodied and integrated personal growth.

Cécile can be reached by responding to this blog or by contacting her through her website




Do you suffer from chronic tension or pain in your muscles or joints?

Do you tend to PUSH THROUGH PAIN & life, or do you tend to go with the demands of your habits and CATER TO PAIN in the hope it will disappear sooner or later? If yes, how does this work out for you?

Those two opposite behaviors in relation to pain and life are quite common, and related
but are they always helpful? They may be once we include an important distinction!


Tensing through a strength display task

WHEN YOU PUSH THROUGH PAIN, you come from the extreme end of the “Masculine Energy” spectrum as you are trying to do a task, fix a problem, ignore it or bully it into submission. It may work on some occasions, but it is not an efficient way to deal with your pain because it includes a disconnect with the guidance of your body intelligence and often, it creates more challenges sooner or later. This is a behavior that we inherited from the bodybuilders who started Modern Fitness. They assumed that muscle size and firmness was the source of physical strength. They assumed that more was always better. But IS MORE ALWAYS BETTER?

The man in the picture above is very focused on accessing his strength. However, he is mainly relying on the strength of his arm and shoulder muscles while disconnecting from his whole body in different ways! As a result, he is totally straining and not accessing his whole-body strength which would be easier on his body and superior in its result all at the same time!

WHEN YOU CATER TO YOUR PAIN, you come from the extreme end of the “Feminine Energy” spectrum. You are trying to avoid triggering the pain and you are going with the demands of your movement habits and your idea of comfort. As a result, you may be overusing or misusing your body unknowingly. Let’s say you hurt your right foot, so you avoid putting pressure on it by using a crutch. It makes sense. Not a problem in itself. However, CAN THIS CREATE OTHER ISSUES?

As seen in the picture on the right, the man is overusing both his left leg and right shoulder. This creates excess tension in his compressed leg as well as his shoulder and upper back. It distorts his body alignment, the effect of which can be felt once he no longer uses the crutch, if not sooner.

Man using crutch


NEITHER WAY FROM THE EXTREME END OF THE SPECTRUM is really efficient because both interfere with the best functioning of your body as a whole. These ways end up creating unnecessary muscle tension. Sooner or later, your body complains with excess tension or pain in muscles or joints.

So, what can you do to be more efficient and still challenge yourself physically or use a crutch when needed? 


BOTH ENERGIES are part of the solution when used in a balanced way and in combination.
What really matters is not what you do, but how you do it.
You can absolutely develop body strength without tensing your body and disconnecting from its intelligence. You can use a crutch, if you need to, without getting unbalanced in the process.

Recently, I taught a workshop for musicians and one participant had been experiencing pain in her left shoulder, arm, and fingers from playing her string instrument.

I could see she was working harder than she needed to, which is why she was experiencing pain. Due to the unevenness of the instrument, it was also affecting her overall postural balance. I made suggestions to allow more integrated functioning so she could still play without working so hard. The following week, this more balanced approach to playing felt already so much more comfortable, she came back to class with a big smile. With her new mindset using integrated functioning, she was on her way to keep creating healing space!

When you function as an integrated whole,
all body parts and energies work together harmoniously and are in balance. 

Doing any activity with tight muscles and locked joints does not align with your whole-body intelligence. It comes from a belief that more is better, and ease is not productive. This is simply not true, and it has caused lots of unnecessary pain in many people. There is such a thing as developing “Flexible Strength”.


I am not asking you to take my word for it.
Try this simple daily task and see what you discover for yourself:

Next time you go shopping, soften your muscles while still carrying your bag. Notice that your body strength comes from your whole body when your muscles don’t work so hard. Practicing this in daily life and in specific activities can make you feel so much better.

That is precisely why famous actors and Olympic athletes swear by this approach based on Alexander Technique work which allows them to perform at their best with optimal safety. 

Overusing your muscles unknowingly is only one aspect of this work. It is all about discovering and unlearning unconscious habits of mind and body that do not serve you, so that the natural way can take over, guide you to function in a more integrated way and increase your wellbeing. 

If you want to get a deeper understanding and a taste of “Integrated Functioning” to reduce, eliminate, or prevent chronic tension or pain, sign up for my upcoming webinar:

“Freedom from Chronic Tension or Pain using 3 Unique Pathways”

Given the experiential nature of this webinar, the number of places is limited,
so make sure to sign up to reserve your space!


Cécile Raynor has been teaching for 30 years, published the Wise Way to Yoga as well as numerous articles, and she was featured several times both on TV and on an “Expanded Awareness” radio show. Her blog has been read by thousands of people in over 100 different countries. Her work is based on the Alexander Technique, the best-kept secret of Olympic athletes and famous performers. They swear by it because it allows them to perform at their best with optimal safety. Although it is now commonly used by everyone. She also created the Body Intelligence Activation Process™, a mind, body, heart and spirit work that affects her students in all aspects of their life as they experience increased wellbeing.

Cécile has been helping people with poor posture, chronic muscular tension and pain, joints issues and headaches reclaim their ease of movement, their natural good posture, and the joy and peace of mind brought by well-being. She has also been a mentor for many students interested in embodied and integrated personal growth.

Cécile can be reached by responding to this blog or by contacting her through her website



To focus on my own journey and personal growth, I have taken a well-deserved break from online activities for several months. If you ever can do that even for a shorter time, I highly recommend it.

As a result, I had a wonderful summer and many amazing insights to enrich my life and work!

Now, I am ready to come back with a renewed perspective thanks to the silver lining of past trauma now blossoming into yet another dimension.

During my time off, I spent more time outdoors swimming and walking and one day, I was introspecting on the nature of trauma. I had been reading the book “No Mud, No Lotus, The Art of Transforming Suffering” by Thich Nhat Hanh who was my first spiritual teacher. It made me think about how most people have endured some kind of trauma at some point or another in their life. This can make life quite challenging when not addressed or healed as it influences everything with say or do. Even an apparently good childhood can turn out to have trauma embedded in it as explained in the book of Alice Miller “The Drama of the Gifted Child”.

The thing is that trauma can be a powerful springboard to discover what our true purpose is. It can help us develop the understanding and the skills we need to actualize this true purpose we all have. In fact, the core wounds of my childhood served me well for a very long time. They motivated me to learn about nutrition and health from a young age, to devote myself to exercising daily since my 20’s, to pursue higher education, engage in meditation and spiritual studies, and eventually write a book, among other things.

It led me to discover my true purpose which is to empower people to connect with their Inner Wisdom to experience the Lightness of Being and dance the Joy of Wholeness.

Recently, however, I noticed that my way of being and teaching was in transition.
Leftover reactivity was decreasing further, trust in what I sensed was increasing.
I realized I was shifting from being motivated by my true purpose
rather than my core wounds. What an amazing realization!

Could it be why I allowed myself to take such a break from online activities?
Did I need to create space to get this level of clarity around this inner transformation?

Vacation Introspection offered moments of blissful silent contemplation watching the sunset on the colorful horizon….

My insight had to do with my need to adjust the balance between my intellect and my intuition.
My intellect had been motivated and developed by my core wounds,
my intuition was my link to my heart wisdom and true purpose.

I always knew I was in touch with both but this time around,
I sensed it was time to allow my intuition to be in charge, assisted by my intellect
rather than the other way around out of habit. What an interesting rebalancing shift!

Although feeling vulnerable about sharing all this, I was drawn to share it with you, maybe hoping it would spark some insights of your own to move you forward from where you are. Let me know! I always love to hear from my readers!:)

I apply all I learn personally and professionally to inspire and guide my students on their journey to the next level of well-being and evolution. And my specialty is to help people who have tried everything to reduce, eliminate, or prevent chronic tension or pain without getting sustainable results. Such chronic pain can be the outcome of a mind, body, heart, and soul imbalance. Most of the time, education on misconceptions around movement and posture is enough or a good place to start.

If you or someone you know needs this type of work,
I am excited to bring to you the new version of my Global Event:
 “Freedom from Chronic Tension or Pain using 3 Unusual Pathways”
coming up on September 22, 2022.

Come along for the ride, then share your experience with me.
I’d really love that!
It is a free event you can enjoy and benefit from.

Hope to see you there! 🙂

Click HERE to reserve your place.

Cécile Raynor has been teaching for 30 years, published the Wise Way to Yoga as well as numerous articles, and she was featured several times both on TV and on an “Expanded Awareness” radio show. Her blog has been read by thousands of people in over 100 different countries. Her work is based on the Alexander Technique, the best-kept secret of Olympic athletes and famous performers. They swear by it because it allows them to perform at their best with optimal safety. Although it is now commonly used by everyone. She also created the Body Intelligence Activation Process™, a mind, body, heart and soul work that affects her students in all aspects of their life as they experience increased wellbeing.

Cécile has been helping people with poor posture, chronic muscular tension and pain, joints issues and headaches reclaim their ease of movement, their natural good posture, and the joy and peace of mind brought by well-being. She has also been a mentor for many students interested in embodied and integrated personal growth.

Cécile can be reached by responding to this blog or by contacting her through her website

Mental Stress, Physical Stress & Integrated Functioning


Do you suffer from stress?
When you are agitated, do you experience excess tension in your body?
And vice versa, when your body hurts, do you find it hard to keep a calm mind?

Mental Stress brings about Compression
while Physical Pain brings about Guarding

When I was suffering from headaches, I could not get a thing done properly for work because the pain was taking all my mind attention and it was hard to think clearly.
Can you relate?

With the pandemic stress, many people have developed both mental and physical stress.

People tell me how they hold that stress in their neck, or shoulders, or back. And that is a common belief that stress can cause muscle pain. Do you feel that way too?

People attribute their pain and poor posture to stress and many other things.
Fair enough. So many factors can contribute.
And yet, there is a very common reason other than stress that creates or enhance
muscle or joint pain and poor posture – common but not known by most.
It has to do with how you use your knees and feet.

There is nothing wrong with stretching surface tension to feel good in the moment but it is not enough as a sustainable solution for deeper tension

Shoulder openers and stretching do feel good in the moment yet they cannot really change your whole posture because the minute you’re off the mat, your habitual body synergy reclaims its habitual way to be in your body and your shoulders have to hold or surrender

In truth, when it comes to poor posture, muscle knots and pain in otherwise healthy adults, it is often the result of a lack of integrated functioning. You may ongoingly feed that poor posture or those tense spots when misusing yourself.

Progressively you create “A Catastrophe Ready to Happen”. Then, stress goes up as it did with the pandemic and that catastrophe happens.

Stress turns manageable lingering excess tension that you may minimize and ignore
into extreme discomfort or pain that cannot be ignored.

What I eventually learned is that my headaches came from my tensed neck. It was my body telling me I had not listened to its whispers so it had to stop me in my tracks as indicated by this quote from many centuries ago:

“If you do not listen to the whispers of your body, it will yell out loud”
Leonardo Da Vinci

The fact is, when you are more in tune with your body, you can catch trouble before it blossoms into pain. And then, you have more options to reduce, eliminate, or even prevent such chronic tension or pain. Being more in tune with your body means being not only more aware of your body but also more aware of your integrated body.

Integrated Functioning brings about a Feeling of Being Whole

Functioning as the integrated whole you are designed to be means that all body parts are working harmoniously together more often than not.
And so are your body, mind, heart and soul!

It is not about perfection but expanded awareness in action….

If this speaks to you and you are ready to reach your next level of embodiment and experience less or no chronic tension or pain towards increased wellbeing,
you have lots of options:

1) Sign up for a “How to go from Pain to Ease” free phone consult

2) Join the next Experiential Webinar Freedom from Chronic Tension or Pain using 3 Unique Pathways

3) Join the Foundational “Activate your Body Intelligence” Online Course


Cécile Raynor has been teaching for 30 years, published the Wise Way to Yoga as well as numerous articles, and she was featured several times both on TV and on an “Expanded Awareness” radio show. Her blog has been read by thousands of people in over 100 different countries. Her work is based on the Alexander Technique, the best-kept secret of Olympic athletes and famous performers. They swear by it because it allows them to perform at their best with optimal safety. Although it is now commonly used by everyone. She also created the Body Intelligence Activation Process™, a mind, body, heart and soul work that affects her students in all aspects of their life as they experience increased wellbeing.

Cécile has been helping people with poor posture, chronic muscular tension and pain, joints issues and headaches reclaim their ease of movement, their natural good posture, and the joy and peace of mind brought by well-being. She has also been a mentor for many students interested in embodied and integrated personal growth.

Cécile can be reached by responding to this blog or by contacting her through her website



Are you a musician and a yoga practitioner? Do you experience excess tension or chronic pain despite your ongoing efforts to be free from excess tension or pain? Would you like to understand why that is? Then keep reading…..

Most musicians consider their practice an integral part of their best performance, so they practice endlessly to be a perfect channel for the music they perform to their captive audience. This is especially true of classical musicians as they do not rely on improvisation at all.

As a result, it is common for musicians to experience chronic pain in their muscles or joints over time due to repetitive stress through repetitive movement. Some are even embarrassed to complain about it and bear through the pain till they no longer can which does not help their situation.

Classical Musicians

Luckily for musicians, there are modalities that can help them address their pain to feel better. Often, modalities focus on pain relief alone whether it is the manipulation of skilled therapists, a daily stretching or strengthening practice at the gym or through yoga. Another aspect of yoga that helps them is developing presence to their body and sometimes, with the right class, they get the meditative dimension of yoga.

This being said, all these modalities do not address what I call “Integrated Functioning” which is the ability to move from a whole-body perspective, in a way that benefits all body parts at the same time. As a result, it is often the case that people get addicted to their modality of choice, especially yoga!

3 Non-Integrated yoga practitioners

Yoga addiction is common and, it makes you feel good about yourself to practice daily and diligently. And that way to practice is a good thing until it becomes an addiction. If your excess tension or chronic pain return when you stop practicing, it means you have not tackled its real root yet, hence the addiction to your practice which is also affected by your non-integrated functioning.

A student receiving Alexander Technique instructions via words and hands-on

The Alexander Technique is a very impactful modality that can also relieve your symptoms. Only, embedded in it, is the potential to prevent your chronic tension or pain to come back by tackling the root of the problem bringing about your pain.

If you are healthy and experience chronic tension or pain, it is likely you suffer on account of how you use your body in a non-integrated way both on and off the mat. The Alexander Technique helps you to reclaim integrated functioning so all your body parts can function harmoniously together both in your daily movements and while you practice and perform.

As you discover and unlearn the unconscious habits that are feeding your pain, you learn about 5 essential key-relationships in your body that can hinder or promote your most natural good posture depending on how they are functioning in an integrated way or not. When functioning efficiently, like a well-trained orchestra, these 5 relationships work together harmoniously. Consequently, they allow you to reduce, eliminate, or even prevent excess tension or chronic pain in a sustainable way. All the while, you can perform at your best and feel good in your daily body as well.

If this work speaks to you and you are ready to invest yourself with its process to be finally free of excess tension or chronic tension fueled by the repetitive movements to play your instrument…..

Then, sign up for this one-time webinar I will be giving on April 26, 2022 by clicking on the link below. Don’t miss the Early Bird Special!

(Number of spaces is limited, so registration happens on a first serve basis)

Cécile Raynor has been teaching for 30 years, published the Wise Way to Yoga as well as numerous articles, and she was featured several times both on TV and on an “Expanded Awareness” radio show. Her blog has been read by thousands of people in over 100 different countries. Her work is based on the Alexander Technique, the best-kept secret of Olympic athletes and famous performers. They swear by it because it allows them to perform at their best with optimal safety. Although it is now commonly used by everyone. She also created the Body Intelligence Activation Process™, a mind, body, heart and spirit work that affects her students in all aspects of their life as they experience increased wellbeing.

Cécile has been helping people with poor posture, chronic muscular tension and pain, joints issues and headaches reclaim their ease of movement, their natural good posture, and the joy and peace of mind brought by well-being. She has also been a mentor for many students interested in embodied and integrated personal growth.

Cécile can be reached by responding to this blog or by contacting her through her website



This is the title of a WEBINAR happening Online this Thursday, April 28, 2022 @ 7 to 8.30PM EST!


Are you ready to understand why nothing has given you the lasting results you want and deserve?

We all have inherited some misconceptions around movement and posture which are affecting you right now! Yet, there is a way to activate your Body Intelligence to clear the chronic tension or pain coming from those misconceptions for you. Curious?

Join me this Thursday to understand and experience the solution to your challenge. Give yourself a chance to reclaim optimal wellbeing by clicking the following link to register: The Key to Sustainable Results from Chronic Tension or Pain

Neck tension is common and very avoidable

If you are ready to discover this missing link to your healing, join me tonight by clicking the link below: REGISTER HERE NOW

Hope to see you there!:)

PS: If you are interested but can’t make that time or date,
reach out to me by clicking my website link below…

Cécile Raynor has been teaching for 30 years, published the Wise Way to Yoga as well as numerous articles, and she was featured several times both on TV and on an “Expanded Awareness” radio show. Her blog has been read by thousands of people in over 100 different countries. Her work is based on the Alexander Technique, the best-kept secret of Olympic athletes and famous performers. They swear by it because it allows them to perform at their best with optimal safety. Although it is now commonly used by everyone. She also created the Body Intelligence Activation Process™, a mind, body, heart and spirit work that affects her students in all aspects of their life as they experience increased wellbeing.

Cécile has been helping people with poor posture, chronic muscular tension and pain, joints issues and headaches reclaim their ease of movement, their natural good posture, and the joy and peace of mind brought by well-being. She has also been a mentor for many students interested in embodied and integrated personal growth.

Cécile can be reached by responding to this blog or by contacting her through her website



She had tried so many approach without Gaining Sustainable Results!

Marion has been a lifelong musician and athlete. She plays the guitar and the mandolin among other things and she also sings.

She went from the guitar to the mandolin because it was a lighter instrument on her shoulders. Needless to say, she tired easily after playing her instruments although she would not consider stopping completely as it brought her lots of joy.

Also, she used to consider a day to be incomplete if she did not enjoy some outdoor activity.

Over time, however, she developed back discomfort, poor posture, and bursitis in her hip joint. Life did not feel so good at that point because she could not get relief, she could not walk more than 5 minutes before her hip joint would scream, and she could not sleep well.

Cecile's sketch of a guitarist
Cécile’s sketch of a guitarist!

She was becoming desperate … until she discovered Integrated Functioning!

Here is what she has been experiencing with her first handful of sessions discovering Integrated Functioning, (one in-person and 4 online session):

  1. She has been feeling better overall as her level of pain has clearly come down
  2. She is no longer comfortable slouching when sitting because she is discovering and progressively reclaiming a more integrated and comfortable way to sit
  3. She is finding it so much easier to hold both her guitar and her mandolin without feeling the strap pulling her down
  4. She is now able to walk 20 minutes instead of 5 which makes her so very happy!:)
  5. Integrated Functioning is the missing link in the world of fitness and in most modalities to help people reduce or eliminate pain. Integrated Functioning works best because an individual can activate his/her Body Intelligence on demand as unconscious mind/body habits are discovered and fading away.

Integrated Functioning is available 24/7 to those who are ready to explore and discover what covers it up and committed to let it go. Although it needs to be integrated into your daily life for sustainable results, Integrated Functioning can be experienced instantaneously, almost like magic!:)

So, if this speaks to you and you want to get a better understanding of it and more importantly a taste of it, simply sign up to my incoming webinar by clicking the following link to reserve your spot in this event with a limited number of participants!

Click Here: “The Key to Sustainable Relief from Chronic Tension or Pain”. 

Hope to see you then!

Cécile 🙂

Cécile Raynor has been teaching for 30 years, published the Wise Way to Yoga as well as numerous articles, and she was featured several times both on TV and on an “Expanded Awareness” radio show. Her blog has been read by thousands of people in over 100 different countries. Her work is based on the Alexander Technique, the best-kept secret of Olympic athletes and famous performers. They swear by it because it allows them to perform at their best with optimal safety. Although it is now commonly used by everyone. She also created the Body Intelligence Activation Process™, a mind, body, heart and spirit work that affects her students in all aspects of their life as they experience increased wellbeing.

Cécile has been helping people with poor posture, chronic muscular tension and pain, joints issues and headaches reclaim their ease of movement, their natural good posture, and the joy and peace of mind brought by well-being. She has also been a mentor for many students interested in embodied and integrated personal growth.

Cécile can be reached by responding to this blog or by contacting her through her website



And how to handle it gracefully!

Whether you play the guitar, whether you sing or chant, music is a gift to you as the musician playing and a gift to those listening.

On some level, it can be a spiritual experience!
Through music, we access the present moment,
and often, we tend to get lost in it which can be a good thing.
I personally loose the notion of time when I practice.

However, there can be a shadow side to playing an instrument, using our voice as an instrument, sitting for long hours as a performer.

1. You spend lots of hours practicing to play, sing or chant the best way possible
2. Your body gets tired out, tense, or achy from repetitive motions, misuse or overuse of your body
3. Tension or aches tend to carry over in your daily life creating a chronic need to stretch your muscles
4. In specific situation, you may experience stage fright which enhances your level of body tension

Those are some of the reasons why many performers rely on the Alexander Technique to reduce, eliminate, or prevent their chronic tension or pain of both body and mind.

They swear by it because it helps them be a performer without the side effects often experienced by performers. This technique has been endorsed and studied by musicians such as:  Paul McCartney, Sting, Julian Bream, Yehudi Menuhin, James Galway, and Sir Colin Davis to name a few.

They also discover and appreciate the fact that the Alexander Technique helps their daily body function more efficiently as well.

As a result, this is what it can bring to you:

* Increased ease of movement so you and your instrument can be a channel for your music
* improved and effortless posture for efficient energy flow
* Enhanced wellbeing in both daily and specific activities

If you are “Alexander curious” or know other musicians who could benefit,
here is your chance to check it out with my incoming online workshop.

Benefit from a VALENTINE SPECIAL if you sign up by Valentine Day.…….

Limited # of space available, so click the registration link now to reserve yours!:)

Cécile can be reached by responding to this blog or by contacting her through her website where you can schedule a free consult or sign up for events like her incoming workshop on Alexander Technique for Musicians

Cécile Raynor has been teaching for 30 years, published the Wise Way to Yoga as well as numerous articles, and she was featured several times both on TV and on an “Expanded Awareness” radio show. Her blog has been read by thousands of people in over 100 different countries. Her work is based on the Alexander Technique, the best-kept secret of Olympic athletes and famous performers. They swear by it because it allows them to perform at their best with optimal safety. Although it is now commonly used by everyone. She also created the Body Intelligence Activation Process™, a mind, body, heart and spirit work that affects her students in all aspects of their life as they experience increased wellbeing.
Cécile has been helping people with poor posture, chronic muscular tension and pain, joints issues and headaches reclaim their ease of movement, their natural good posture, and the joy and peace of mind brought by well-being. She has also been a mentor for many students interested in embodied and integrated personal growth.


Straight legs & round back promote getting hurt shoveling

Hopefully, this is the last snow this winter for us New Englanders. This being said, many of us need to shovel snow and sometimes slush these days. The way you handle your body shows up whether you are practicing yoga, whether you play an instrument, you rake leaves or shovel snow!

And if you experience excess tension in your daily life, 
the last thing you want is to enhance or trigger your tension level
which would easily manifest NECK, SHOULDER, BACK OR JOINTS TROUBLES.

Now, I am not saying that challenging yourself is not a good thing.
What I am saying is that there are different ways to do so. Some are beneficial to your whole body while others are detrimental to your wellbeing.





  1. Allow your muscles and joints to be as relaxed as possible. You movements will naturally be more fluid and efficient. Your energy will be able to flow more easily throughout your body.

2. Keep in a state of skeletal expansion. Avoid slouching into yourself as you relax like the woman in red in the above picture.

3. Use your body weight whenever possible by pushing or dragging a shovel full of snow with your whole body strength to spare isolated muscles to overdo .

4. Stay present to your body from head to toes as much as possible. That is one way to avoid doing something that feels good or right for one body part while creating excess tension in other parts.

You will discover that your strength comes from your mind and bones more than from tight muscles. You’ll feel much better than usual after you shovel & can prevent your back to go out this way.

When you minimize tensing isolated muscles, you enlist your skeletal structure, and you access greater strength with less efforts. What could be better than that? Plus, it adds a spring to your steps.

So good luck with your shoveling and your way to moving in general!


Cécile can be reached by responding to this blog or by contacting her through her website where you can schedule a free consult or sign up for events like her incoming workshop on Alexander Technique for Musicians


Cécile Raynor has been teaching for 30 years, published the Wise Way to Yoga as well as numerous articles, and she was featured several times both on TV and on an “Expanded Awareness” radio show. Her blog has been read by thousands of people in over 100 different countries. Her work is based on the Alexander Technique, the best-kept secret of Olympic athletes and famous performers. They swear by it because it allows them to perform at their best with optimal safety. Although it is now commonly used by everyone. She also created the Body Intelligence Activation Process™, a mind, body, heart and spirit work that affects her students in all aspects of their life as they experience increased wellbeing.
Cécile has been helping people with poor posture, chronic muscular tension and pain, joints issues and headaches reclaim their ease of movement, their natural good posture, and the joy and peace of mind brought by well-being. She has also been a mentor for many students interested in embodied and integrated personal growth.